

| 2022年1月7日



的re’s a lot of concern among industry experts about whether the popular 4% withdrawal rule can provide enough income during retirement, but little discussion on the important role taxes play in how much cash you will actually have on hand. That’s why talking to a Financial Professional with tax knowledge should be a critical part of your wealth management strategy if you want to help ensure that you have enough money as you pursue the retirement you have envisioned.


One of the most popular approaches to how much you can withdraw annually without running out of retirement funds has been the 4% rule. 简单的说, you withdraw 4% of your retirement savings the first year and then increase that amount 1% to 2% each year to adjust for inflation. 这是一个很容易应用的策略, 但最近, there’s a lot of concern that it won’t keep up with inflation or offer a predictable amount of income for retirees. 



While most agree that diversifying retirement savings across accounts with different tax treatments is ideal, 当涉及到首先从哪个账户中提取数据时,共识往往止步于此. That’s when the recommendation of a tenured professional can help you plan the most appropriate strategy for your unique situation. 例如:


You could withdraw from your investment accounts first — giving more time for assets to accumulate in your 401(k) and IRA accounts. 这种方法可以让你尽可能长时间地利用免税的复合收益. Note: You will need to take your Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs) before any investment account withdrawals or face potential penalties.


如果你有大量的应税资金, 递延纳税和非纳税账户, 当rmd出现时,你有可能支付相当多的税. 从你的罗斯账户中取出额外的退休收入, you can potentially avoid significantly higher capital gains tax than you would with the first approach.


Withdraw a portion of your income from both taxable (investment) and tax-deferred traditional and 401(k) accounts and leave any Roth IRA accounts for last. This approach helps avoid a potentially higher tax bracket during the middle of retirement due to RMDs. 而不是, you will spread taxes more evenly across your retirement years for a more predictable budgeting process.


通过这种方法, you will pull from tax-free accounts when you are in your highest anticipated bracket and from tax-deferred accounts when you are in your lowest bracket. 就像之前的策略一样, the goal is to minimize your tax liability and balance tax payments over a longer period of time.


Clients with significant wealth who aren’t concerned about having enough money in retirement might do better to focus on the impact their estate may have on heirs. 首先从传统的个人退休账户和401(k)账户中拿钱, 你可以把你的罗斯个人退休账户留给你所爱的人,以尽量减少他们的税收.



Applying tax-smart strategies can help build wealth and safeguard your retirement no matter what type of withdrawal method you use. A tax-focused Financial Professional will not only help you determine how much money you can safely spend, 但在你追求目标的过程中,应该从哪些账户中提取资金来帮助你. 你可以讨论的一些替代方案包括:

  • 使用 固定提款法,你只需每年以固定利率或AG捕鱼王新版app下载的一定百分比收取相同金额. 这种方法没有考虑到通货膨胀, 然而, 如果你需要在市场低迷时提取资金, 你可能会比他们想要的更快地耗尽你的收入. That’s when withdrawing from investment accounts first can help you accumulate more with compound earning in your retirement accounts.
  •  总回报策略 means you take out enough living expenses for 3-12 months at a time and leave the rest to benefit from potential Additional funds are taken only as needed. 这种策略可以帮助建立资产, but it is also subject to market risk and not a good candidate if you are uncomfortable with risk or do not have enough to forgo withdrawals during a market dip. Your Financial Professional can help you determine if you have enough assets to safely meet your income needs and weather market volatility.
  •  桶的策略 是一种将退休资产分成三个“桶”的方法——一个用于更直接的支出, 一个是未来7-36个月所需的资金, 而且至少24个月内不需要这些资产. 第一桶是流动性极强的资产,比如储蓄账户. 的 second bucket is moderately liquid such as a high-yield CD and the third bucket is invested for growth in the stock market. 一旦第一个桶被用完,钱就会从桶2转移到桶1,以此类推. This approach splits the difference between safety and growth but can be time-consuming and difficult to apply without the help of a tenured tax expert. 



Building a tax-smart strategy for retirement account withdrawals isn’t something that should wait until you hit retirement. Meeting with a Financial Professional now could make a significant impact on your overall wealth. 在税收明智的指导下, you can structure your accounts to potentially maximize your assets in both the accumulation and withdrawal stages, 随着需求的变化, 你的方法也应该如此.

Let our tenured Financial Professionals put you on a path that could lead to more financial confidence with ways to build wealth and minimize taxes so you can pursue the lifestyle you envision — both now and in retirement. 今天AG捕鱼王新版app下载,开始对话.